Thursday, March 12, 2009


Explorers are we intrepid and bold
Out in the world of wonders untold
Equipped with a wit, a map, and a snack
We're searching for fun and we're on the right track

It seems we are indeed on the right track after reading Adena's analysis of the new features on Geospatial One-Stop and its summary on Slashgeo.

ps: that was Calvin and Hobbes

Monday, March 9, 2009

New Geospatial One Stop (GOS) Features Add Content to GIS and Mapping Applications

Check out the What's New page on the Geospatial One-Stop Portal (GOS). It has some new features that focus on making the content more accessible for use outside of the website context.

What I specifically like is the new capability to perform searches in GOS from external Web applications using a REST API. The new REST API allows you to issue a simple URL string request to GOS and receive responses in any of three formats: GeoRSS, KML, or HTML.

Saturday, March 7, 2009

Yikes! I'm blogging!

Hmmm. So this is a blog... I'll have to get used to talking to no one (or all of you). Will anyone actually read what I say or am I alone in the desert? What do you do in such cases? We'll see what inspiration brings. As I'm working on ESRI's GIS Portal Toolkit I run into things around metadata, OGC specs, and such. I'm also trying to think about how GIS Portals and catalogs can help people find geospatial resources that aren't discoverable through your regular search engines. Those will be the kinds of topics I'll talk about here.